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Skype drfahey

Affordable Skype/Zoom Private   Group Psychic Reading Event*

*Group Event Fee: $95 applies only if you are in a group of ten (10) or more for a reading




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Get set for the Séance




TOTAL: $950.00* (Must have 10-persons register) For Groups LESS than 10 persons click here!


1. You may be the STAR HOST of a private Online Skype/Zoom FAMILY & FRIENDS “SIGNS” Messages of Love from the Beyond - Crossing Over to The Other Side psychic gallery event.

2. There MUST be a minimum of two (2) with a maximum of ten (10) participants, or couples who are related, (a related couple consists of 2 people possibly hoping to hear from the same loved one passed on. Therefore there will be a maximum number of ten (10) participants per event, and ten (10) psychic readings per event. In a private Online Skype/Zoom FAMILY & FRIENDS gallery event, everyone is guaranteed a psychic spiritual reading. The numbers or persons registered will determine the total cost.

3. There will be an additional per person charge for each extra person that is invited and comes into the gallery above the number ten (10) persons and or in other planned private Online Skype/Zoom events.

4. The private Online Skype/Zoom FAMILY & FRIENDS gallery event may last up to 90-minutes, but could last three (3) hours, but not longer in length of time. The three-hour time limit is the reason that we must limit the number of people and psychic spiritual readings to be given. During the private FAMILY & FRIENDS event, each person/couple will have a mini-psychic reading that may last up to 5-10 minutes and it may provide an opportunity to receive messages from his or her loved ones that have crossed-over to the Other Side. Dr. Fahey does his best to give equal time to all who attend, but know at times some spirits may have more to say than others, and as a result there is no way to know in advance who will come through. In addition, it would be good idea to ask each guest to have on hand a pen and pad of paper so that another person can take notes during the psychic reading as no recording devices allowed other than those Dr. Fahey brings to these events as it is better to respect the privacy of each other.

5. EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 1, 2022, The current cost for each FAMILY & FRIENDS private Online Skype/Zoom psychic gallery event is determined by the number of participant registered for any one or more events - and this fee will cover a minimum of two and up to a maximum of ten (10) persons only.

6. Dr. Fahey does not accept personal checks as he has no way to process on-site banking verification. We will accept a Certified bank check, postal money order or cash and will provide a receipt upon request. We prefer the Host provides all invited guests to pay online at the website page provided in advance of the planned event. Do not allow your guests to mail money in advance to us as this will only confuse matters.

7. A separate Non-refundable | Non-transferable advance Registration Fee of $200.00 is required in advance to hold a scheduled date. We prefer that you pay this fee online (see Paypal Icon on this page) or you can make other arrangements by writing to us today at

8. Telephone or e-mail us to set a date for your private CTSW event. We will suggest possible dates—that we will hold for you for several days while you check with your guests to see which would be best. Our Reservations number is 239-244-1262. You MUST call from a non-blocked called I.D. phone line. Otherwise, you will need to identify yourself. Please do not call after 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time unless you plan to leave a brief message. The fastest way to reach the Rev. Dr. Fahey is via text or email to: 239-244-1262 or write to

9. Once a date is set, we will email you a confirmation notification.

10. Please note that available calendar dates to conduct a private “SIGNS” Messages of Love from the Beyond - Crossing Over to The Other Side psychic gallery event becomes more in demand with each passing month. The Rev. Dr. Fahey ’s weekends use to be booked for two months in advance, but now weekends are getting booked up to 12-months in advance. Most Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesday day and nights have been taken for the rest of this year and next year. Thursday, Fridays nights and days are available. Keep this in mind before you contact us about a date. Any attendant interested in being a part of any educational hypnosis or self-hypnosis demonstration must sign a release form that will be provided.



At a Group Gallery / BY APPOINTMENT ONLY


How it Works


Experience the Process


Get your private psychic or personal coaching sitting with Dr. Fahey. He offers general psychic readings and personal and business coaching sessions on insight on love, romance, relationships, career, job changes, and future events. Explore every aspect of your life path, including the year ahead, or about your most pressing issues. Dr. Fahey also offers insight into the world of Spirit. Connect with loved ones on the Other Side. dr.fahey’s unique ability to touch those crossed over and convey information and messages is profound. He gives dates, names, events, and allows time for questions. Order your psychic or life coaching reading with Dr. Fahey thru PayPal (All major credit cards  accepted). NOTE: Dr. Fahey will contact you by email for your private psychic reading to take place once payment is confirmed.


1. Private individual sessions prior to a business, community, or private home group gallery can now be made.

2. Each private individual sitting may last approximately 25-minutes, unless more time is arranged and paid for in advance only through this site.

3. Should this be a desire of the Star Host of a business, community or private homes gallery event, then a maximum of four (4) private individual sittings per event can be arranged. 

4. Private individual sitting (depending on total) are usually set 20 to 30 minutes (counter-clockwise) from the exact start time of a group event. For example, if the group event is scheduled to begin at 6:00PM, and only two (2) private individual sittings are arranged in advance, then the first private individual sitting will commence no earlier than: 5:30PM, and will end approximately between 5:55PM, and the second will commence at exactly 5:00PM, and end around 5:25PM.

5. EFFECTIVE: January 1, 2022, $300.00 per person / 25 minutes - and this fee will cover up to twenty (25) minutes. More time, if desired must be scheduled and paid for in advance.

6. There will be an additional $300.00 per person / 25 minutes charge due in advance prior to the start of additional time wanted should more time be desired and this extra time service fee will cover up to an additional 25 minutes over the first 25 minutes scheduled for a private individual psychic sitting or personal successful life coaching session.

7. There will be an additional $300.00 per person / 20-25 minutes due in advance for each additional person that will enter the sitting room at the same time for a private individual sitting or successful life coaching session. For example, if two (2) people arrange to enter the same room at the same time for a private individual sitting, then each person will need to make their individual payments in advance.

8. No tape recording devices will be allowed during private sittings.


The Psychic Gallery Menu


Reservation Form


The Psychic Gallery Confirmation Form


Frequently Asked Questions


Platinum VIP Private Online Skype/Zoom Psychic Gallery* (You must have a minimum of 10 persons and or invited guests - $95.00 per person: $950.00) Link:



Gold Private Online Skype/Zoom Psychic Gallery* (see demonstration fees starting at $175.00 per person with just two (2) people).



Private Online Skype/Zoom Psychic Gallery Event Confirmation Form:



Psychic Reservation Form:



Hypnosis Reservation Form:



The Psychic Menu:



TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY: The Rev. Dr. Robert Allen Fahey does not issue a refund or credit for any reason, regardless of the circumstances

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